Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Tony

Today is Tonys 25th birthday.  Memories have been flooding my heart all week.  I remember the weeks before his birth.  I was so excited, he was so stubborn.  Labor lasted over two weeks.  I was in and out of the hospital every other day for stress tests to make sure there were no problems.  Every time I heard "oh, you are having contractions, I am sure we will see you later".   This went on for two weeks.  I finally dropped my older two boys off at my moms and went to the hospital telling them I was NOT leaving without a child, preferably mine!  I should have know that day that raising Tony was going to be a challenge.  He was just not ready to come in to this world.  After hours of hard labor and no baby, they decided it was time for a c-section.  Once everyone left the room to prepare, Tony decided it was time to make his entrance.  A nurse came running in and then the panic started.  The cord was around his neck and due to his large size (almost 10lbs) he was not entering the world easily.  After the scare of having your child not breathing for what I am sure was only seconds but felt like hours, I held one of the most beautiful children in the world, even if he was purple from his traumatic entrance.

Tony was my pal, his younger years when his brothers were in school were spent playing, exploring and hanging.  We had fun!  He certainly tested my strengths as a mom.  In nursery school, they used the words determined and inquisitive to describe him.  Having had two other children already go through school I laughed and asked for the real adjectives to describe him.  He was into everything and nothing was beyond his reach.  If Tony wanted something, Tony was going to get it.  Even at the age of two when he threw my camera out the locked glass door so he could climb through it to get outside. One day before school we were down at the Stratford boat ramp having lunch and feeding the birds.  Before I could grab him, he ran full force into the water.  From that day forward I carried not only an extra set of clothes (that I learned a long time ago) but also an extra pair of shoes everywhere I went.

He was smart, loving, imaginative, stubborn, and had a smile and laugh that lit up the world.  Through the years, we butted heads, especially in the teenage years.  The whole time we fought, he had me wrapped and knew it.  My sons always told me, but I couldn't see it.  Now, looking back I do, but I would not have had it any other way!

Tony,  I hope that you are free, that all your aches and pains are gone and you are able to enjoy all the things you so loved.  Your brothers, Jeff, Brenda and all your family and friends miss you so much.  You provided us with love, laughter and great memories.  I am grateful to have been your mom, it was exciting, loving, and yes, at times painful, but I always, always loved you more than you could have known.

We will get through today by focusing on the joy you brought into everyone's lives, your crazy antics through the years and all the love that fills our hearts.  Thank you for being you.