Thursday, September 10, 2009

Computers and Tony

Seems like lately my computers have taken on a mind of their own. I have tried and am not having much success fixing the problem. I always called Tony. He was our electronic genius. I swore I actually saw him yesterday walk by the living room as he did so many times a day and just pause to look in and smile at me. My heart skipped a beat and I thought for a moment, things will be ok, he's back! I quickly snapped back to reality but so hoped that maybe my computers would start to work right. No such luck. Just my mind playing tricks. I didn't realize all the questions I must have bothered Tony with concerning electronics. He was going to fix my IPOD hook up in the car for me, the sound would not get loud. Luckily, for no known reason the other day I tried it and for some strange reason it worked just fine and continues to do so. I was so happy, I love music and my ipod has all my favorites and some of Tonys also. I want to believe Tony had something to do with it.
I will continue to work on the computer problems. I am doing what he (and the rest of my family) has told me to do for a long time, get all my photos off of it. There are over 12,000 on it so that could be a problem. Hopefully, once I get everything moved over it will stop hanging and work better and relive some frustration. Next step, back to my travel business! But we are doing baby steps at the moment. I feel as if I should have a fish hanging around my neck!(Movie: WHAT ABOUT BOB) Maybe that explains my deep desire for an aquarium?