Friday, August 21, 2009

My Baby

Last night I dreamt I heard Tony Calling me. It seemed s real I woke expecting to seee him standing there. His voice was so real, and ranged from "Hey Mom" "Mom and "mommy". I saw a commercial for school and remember how much fun the summers where when they were little. I looked forward to summers. sprinklers, baseball, the beach, riding bikes. I loved to just sit back at take in the innocence of them. I remember one summer day, David and Dannny were out playing in the driveway and Tony wanted to g outside with them. Oh how he loved to be with his brothers. He had to wait just a few minutes, but Tony being typical Tony was determined to do what he wanted. Since the screen door was locked, he could not get out. So, also being ingenious, even at the age of 2, he picked up my camera (a big heavy film camera) and chucked it out the bottom half of the door . Luckily I heard the noise and walked into the living room to see Tony trying to climb through the broken door. I had all I could do to keep from laughing. No one was hurt, the camera was not broken, and I learned never to underestimate the power of my little boy. This proved to be true many times throughout the years. Tony had the strength, determination, inquisitiveness to achieve anything he wanted. Usually the first thing he did upon getting a new toy would be to figure it out, take it apart to see how it worked, and then try to put it back together again.
I remember the time when Tony was home alone with me while his brothers were in school. He and I spent most mornings doing something fun, then lunch a nap for him and cleaning time for me. He was a real buddy, we had a blast. I actually kept a complete change of clothes, including shoes, in my car because I never knew what we might end up doing and what he might get into. I miss you baby, I love you and every night when I set my head on my pillow I hope to see you in my dreams.
Kisses and hugs always