Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lost in New York City

Yesterday, I decided I needed to go somewhere and get lost in myself.  It was a beautiful fall day and the city has been beckoning to me for a while now.  So, I hopped on a train with no agenda and headed to a place with population of over 8 million people to be alone!  It was beautiful.  I listened to music on the train, wandered through the streets noticing things I would normally rush by on my way to get somewhere.  I talked with some local people, sat in central park watching the ice skaters, found the best burger ever and to top it off saw a frog exhibit at the museum of natural history.
It was an easy place to be, Tony hated the city.  He especially hated the smell of the city.  Ever since he was little and we would go in to see Santa and the tree, he always disliked it.  I remember the time we went to see Blue Man Group.  The show was great, we were having a good time.  They the did a trick with bananas, and some squished up banana landed right in Tony's mouth. I thought he was going to be sick right there.  After that he would not eat a banana!  The last trip into the city with Tony was a few years ago, he would always go for me and to be with the family.   We would usually go to Carmines which the food was good so he did not mind too much.  I thought of Tony on and off yesterday but I stayed away from Times Square which holds the most memories for our family.  I actually felt as if Tony wanted me to be there.  My whole walk through Central Park there where saxophone players.  Just as one would start to fade away, another would come into  listening distance.  It felt like my own private concert!
The day was perfect except for my feet hurting a bit early telling me it was time to head home.  But even that worked out for me to realize, I do not need to be there all day, sometimes small snippets will be just enough to renew my spirit!
Look out New York, I will be visiting often!